When you book with ITOtours, The Hague hotel service, ITOtours.co.uk, ITOholidays.co.uk, hereafter “the company”, these Terms and Conditions apply to the entire process, in other words from ‘Before booking the travel package’ through to ‘After the travel ‘.

“The company’s” Terms and Conditions are also applicable if the travel agent (booking office) organises and offers a travel package itself, under its name, or sells travel packages for a travel organiser which is not established in the Netherlands.

“The company’s” Booking Terms and Conditions apply to all other forms of service provision by the travel organiser and the travel agent (booking office). If it is not clearly stated which terms and conditions are applicable, the “The company’s” Terms and Conditions are applicable.

The range of products offered by a travel organiser ‘online’ can change rapidly. Therefore, it is recommended that you take a screenshot (Print Screen) of the screen on which the travel organiser’s offer is shown so that there can be no lack of clarity in the matter later.

Supplementary clauses
The travel organiser (and travel agent) and traveller can agree on supplementary clauses to these terms and conditions. These clauses must be set down in writing or electronically to strengthen the traveller’s position. The clauses cannot affect the traveller’s rights on the law and of these general terms and conditions. In the event of a conflict between an individually agreed clause and these general terms and conditions, the most advantageous provision to the traveller will apply.


1. The following terms are defined as follows in these Travel Terms and Conditions:

Travel organiser:
In its business performance, the party offers prearranged travel packages under its name to the public or a group of persons.

a. the other party of the travel organiser, or
b. the party on whose behalf the travel package has been arranged, and who has
accepted this arrangement, or
c. the party to which the legal relationship with the travel organiser has been
transferred, under these terms and conditions.

Travel contract: the contract under which a travel organiser undertakes vis-à-vis its other party to provide a prearranged travel package offered by the travel organiser, which includes an overnight stay for more than 24 hours, and at least two of the following services:
a. transport;
b. accommodation;
c. another tourist service, not related to transport or accommodation, which forms a significant travel package.

Accommodation-only contracts: travel contracts for which the traveller only reserves holiday accommodation and organises the transport themselves.

Booking office: the business which mediates between the traveller and the travel
the organiser in entering into the travel contract.

Working days: Mondays through Friday, except for legally recognised public holidays.

Office hours: Mondays through Fridays from 9 AM to 5:30 PM (local), except for legally recognised public holidays.

2. These travel terms and conditions apply to all travel contracts. The travel organiser can stipulate that these travel terms and conditions are also applicable to contracts relating to other travel packages, including accommodation-only contracts and shuttle journeys by coach, as long as stated in the publication.


Information provided by the travel organiser
1. The travel organiser will provide or ensure information about the traveller’s nationality, passports, visas, and formalities.

The traveller, themselves, is responsible for obtaining the necessary additional information from the relevant authorities and ascertaining in good time before departure whether or not the previously obtained information has changed.

2. The traveller/ travel organiser will provide or ensure information to the traveller on the possibility of taking out cancellation insurance and travel insurance.

3. The travel organiser accepts no responsibility for general information in photos, folders, advertisements, websites and other information carriers if these have been drawn up or published by third parties.

Information provided by the traveller
1. Before or no later than when the contract is concluded, the traveller will provide the booking office or the travel organiser with all information regarding themselves and the travellers for which they have made a booking which could be of importance in the conclusion or realisation of the contract. This will include the numbers of their mobile telephones and e-mail addresses, if available.

2. The traveller must provide information concerning the physical and mental condition of the traveller(s) (including the use of alcohol, drugs or medicines) if this material and mental condition could result in discomfort, danger or risks to the traveller or other travellers (passengers and crew) or the property of third parties. The passenger is aware that the coach/carrier (for example, the captain of an aeroplane) can refuse the passenger the right to further transport if the information turns out to be incorrect or has not been provided.

3. The traveller must also indicate any details that could be important to the travel organiser’s proper realisation of the travel package in terms of the party’s capacity or composition for which they have made a booking.

1. Termination by travel organiser due to low participation The travel organiser is entitled to terminate the contract with immediate effect if the number of bookings is lower than the required minimum number. It will state the period of notice and the required minimum number of bookings clearly in the offer. Termination must take place in writing within the period stated in the confirmation.

2. Booking party
a. A person who enters into an obligation in the name of or on behalf of another person (the booking party) is jointly and severally liable for all the obligations arising from the contract.
b. All communication (including payment) between the traveller(s) on the one hand and the travel organisation and the booking office, on the other hand, will take place exclusively through the booking party.

3. Published details and restrictions
a. If the agreed travel package is included in a publication of the travel organiser, the details of this form part of the contract.
b. If the travel organiser has included general restrictions in the program’s available section, and these conflict with the travel terms and conditions, the provisions most favourable to the traveller will be applicable.

4. Departure and arrival times
Departure and arrival times for transport components will be stated in the travel documents. These times are definitive.

5.1 Payment, interest and collection costs
a. At the moment the contract is realised, a deposit must be paid of the total agreed travel sum. Organisers of travel packages, tours, accommodation-only arrangements can deviate from this amount. They must make this known to the traveller in advance.

b. In accommodation-only contracts to hotels, the deposit is 50% of the travel sum.

5.2 The remainder of the travel sum must have the booking office no later than one month before the day of departure. The traveller will be in default if payment is not made on time. If the traveller does not pay on time, the travel organiser will send a payment reminder at no charge. If payment has still not been made by that time, the contract will be deemed to have been cancelled on the day of default. The travel organiser is entitled to charge the cancellation costs owed in this context. In such cases, the cancellation fee will be deducted from the amounts already paid.

6. If the contract is realised less than six weeks before the departure date, the entire travel sum must be paid immediately, in full.

7. In the case of a booking via the internet, the travel agent will structure the booking process so that the traveller is informed before the acceptance that they are entering into a contract. This contract binds the traveller from the moment the travel agent confirms the booking.

8. A traveller who does not comply with a financial obligation to the travel organiser in good time will owe the statutory interest rate on the remaining amount owed. The traveller will also be required to reimburse any collection costs reasonably incurred by the travel organiser. These amounts will be a maximum of 15% of travel sums up to €2,500, 10% of the subsequent €2,500 and 5% of the next €5,000.

9. “The company’s” is not responsible for any promises made by their staff and third parties unless such contracts are confirmed subsequently in writing.

Travel sum
1. The published travel sum is clearly stated as per person/per group/etc. Any extra costs will be stated clearly.

2. The published travel sum is based on the prices, levies, and taxes known to the travel organiser at the time of its publication.


Changes to travel sum
1. The travel organiser is entitled to increase the travel sum in the context of changes to the transport costs (including fuel costs), the taxes and levies owed, up to 14 calendar days before the date of departure (in the case of accommodation-only contracts, before the date of arrival at the first booked accommodation).

2. The traveller is entitled to reject an increase to the travel sum as referred to in paragraph 1. The traveller must use this right within three working days of receiving notification of the gain on penalty of forfeiture.

3. The traveller is responsible for having the necessary travel documents with them, such as a valid passport or, where permitted, an identity card and any necessary visas.

4. After the contract has been realised. The traveller can request changes to it. This is subject to the condition that the traveller pays the amended travel sum after deducting the amounts already paid. Furthermore, the traveller is required to pay an amendment fee per booking and, if appropriate, communication costs, as stated in the offer.

3. Changing the departure date or reducing the number of paying passengers will be considered a cancellation or part cancellation.

4. The traveller can be substituted by another person in good time before commencing the travel package.

5. Cancellation/changes instigated by the client. Any cancellations or modifications to the order(s) issued can only occur on working days and only at the client’s request. If Cancellation occurs or changes are made to reservations already made at the client’s request, the costs relating to this will be charged. These can be cancellation or amendment costs charged by the service provider and the costs the travel agent is forced to incur to realise the Cancellation or change.

Cancellation by the traveller
1. Standard cancellation fee

If a contract is cancelled, “the company” can charge the traveller the following cancellation fees, in addition to any reservation costs owed:

If a reservation for only hotel accommodation is made, either with or without breakfast,
then the following applies to the Cancellation of this reservation.

a. In case of Cancellation more than three months before the first Catering Service should be provided under the terms of the Catering Agreement, the Customer is not obliged from now on called “the Commencement Date” to make any payment to the Hotel Establishment.

b. In case of Cancellation more than two months before the Commencement Date, the Customer is obliged to pay 15% of the Reservation Value to “the company”.

c. In case of Cancellation more than 1 month before the Commencement Date, the Customer must pay 35% of the Reservation Value to “the company”.

d. In case of Cancellation more than 14 days before the Commencement Date, the Customer is obliged to pay 60% of the Reservation Value to “the company”.

e. In case of Cancellation more than seven days before the Commencement Date, the Customer is obliged to pay 85% of the Reservation Value to “the company”.

f. In case of Cancellation 7 days or less before the Commencement Date, the Customer is obliged to pay 100% of the Reservation Value to “the company”.

2. Partial Cancellation
a. If a traveller in a party cancels their share of a contract for a joint stay in the accommodation, they will owe a cancellation fee.

3. Outside office hours
Cancellations made outside office hours are deemed to have taken place on the next working day.

1. The travel organiser is entitled to change the agreed service provision due to
exceptional circumstances

2. In a change, the travel organiser will make the traveller an alternative offer, if possible. This will be done within three calendar days of being notified of the change. The alternative offer must be at least equivalent to the original booking.


1. If a complaint has not been resolved satisfactorily, it must be submitted in writing, giving details, to the travel organiser or the booking office within two weeks after the original departure date of the travel.

2. If the traveller does not submit the complaint in good time, we will have to give the service provider enough time to investigate the matter

3. The travel organiser will issue a written response no later than one month after receiving the complaint.

Dutch law applies to the contracts entered into, amended or supplemented based on these Travel Terms and Conditions.

All claim rights will lapse one month after the travel package’s end (or if the travel package did not occur, one month after the original date of departure).

Our Address and details :

ITO tours b.v.
Nieuwstraat 10b
2266AD Leidschendam
T.+31(0)70 3524 534
F.+31(0)70 3548 827

KVK : 27182305
VAT : 808279154 B 01

Bank details:
ING Bank
Account no.:
IBAN NL14 INGB 0667 5616 25

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